HOA - Community Services Blog


February 15, 2023

Proactive Communication Is Key To A Healthy Community

Our immune system requires that our body’s cells communicate with each other in order to identify viruses that enter our body so that it can respond by sending white blood cells to attack the virus. When that communication breaks down, the immune system loses its effectiveness and we become sick.

Getting back to health often requires a trip to the doctor who gives us medicine to make up for the lack of communication and the weakness in our immune system. The virus is attacked and we regain our health. The doctor is the healer, and this action is seen as a reactive (Get sick -> go to doctor).

A proactive measure in this situation would be: knowing flu season is right around the corner, so you start taking multi-vitamins and immune boosters. Thus giving you the greatest chance to avoid becoming sick in the first-place.

Proactive: Acting before a situation becomes a source of confrontation or crisis.

Reactive: Reacting to the past rather than anticipating the future.

Is proactive or reactive better?

In general, it's better to be proactive. That means that you try to consider situations before they arise to make sure your team is prepared for them. As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.”

A healthy community association also depends upon effective and proactive communication. In order to remain healthy, community information must be communicated to its members so that they can respond to community issues appropriately.

When communication breaks down, owners have no information to rely upon and become ignorant of the true issues. Their sense of community diminishes and a sense of isolation takes over causing many association ills.

Getting back to health often requires that management respond with medicine of their own: increased communication in order to better inform owners and help them regain their sense of community. In this instance the virus is ignorance, misinformation and a sense of isolation from the rest of the community. Communication is transformative and the community association manager is the healer.

Finally, remember this distinction: Being reactive results in consequences while being proactive produces rewards. Embracing time management skills that encompass communication tools designed to reduce reactive time is a choice. Ignoring the connection between time management and communication tools is also a choice. One leads to rewards, the other to consequences.

Which choice will you make?

Proactive Application Modules

MyHOA Technology Division is contantly innovating and developing applications that enable HOA board members to proactively communicate with residents.

  • The Announcements Manager enables HOA board members to post announcements to their web portal users. They can even get read receipts on who read the announcment.
  • The Notifications Manager allows HOA members to enable push-notifications through SMS, Web, In-App, and Email. This helps members to stay better informed when updates are posted to the community Web Portal.
  • The Blog Module enables HOA board members/homeowners to post blogs related to community events or issues. Other homeowners/members can read, like and comment on the blogs to better gauge where the community stands on a particular issue or subject.
  • The Online Voting Manager allows HOA members to voice their opinions through votes and polls. Admins and board members can create a new poll about a community change/issue, thus providing a proactive medium of communication between the board and homeowners.
  • The Events Manager provides homeowners and board members with a unified list of public and private community events. This too can be used proactively by keeping homeowners informed and up-to-date on all board meetings, polls, elections, parties, and much more!

PeachWiz Web Portals

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Title: Proactive Communication Is Key To A Healthy Community

Author: John J Published Date: 2021-07-21 18:32:03

Domain: https://myhoa.tech

URL: https://myhoa.tech/Blog/details/208/proactive-communication-is-key-to-a-healthy-community

  • Author: Anonymous


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